XTAL Strategies, a global leading fintech active in private market indexing and risk management solutions, is launching a groundbreaking generation of regulated, representative benchmarkson unlisted private market funds.

Compliance in private markets benchmarking is an imminent need.

New benchmark regulation, initially enacted in Europe, is expected to spread and impact investors at the global level. As a first step, the EU Benchmark Regulation (BMR EU 2016/1011), which enters into force on January 1, 2022, will require EUsupervised users of indices to only use benchmarks that comply with the EU BMR. XTAL Strategies anticipates that the adoption of the EU BMR standards will make the benchmarking tools currently available to private markets investors obsolete. This will leave current and prospective investors in the unlisted asset class without an underlying objective benchmarking reference.

XTAL Private Market Benchmarks are filling that gap with compliant, transparent, accurate, and representative private market benchmarking.

Read the full press release here.