Articles & White Papers

Duration-Adjusted Return on Capital

A Novel Approach to Measuring Private Equity Performance

This article details the construction and logic of a novel approach that uses Macaulay duration to create a time-weighted measure of private equity (PE) performance.

Click on the picture to access the article (content may require registration).

The EU BMR and PE: a Primer

Key Issues and Solutions for the Private Markets

The BMR white paper aims to answer common questions that a PE manager or investor may have in terms of the impact of the directive on the way business is conducted and how private market investments are effected.

Click on the picture to access the pdf (content may require registration).

Daily Valuation of Alternative Assets in DC Plans

A Framework for Plan Sponsors and Industry Stakeholders

Consistent with our mission of enhancing retirement outcomes, DCALTA has published a practical framework to provide plan sponsors clarity on the implementation of daily valuation of private assets.

Click on the picture to access the pdf (content may require registration).

Resetting the Clock on Private Equity Performance

How the DARC methodology applies fixed income valuation techniques to private equity to solve its performance puzzle

This paper illustrates how and why an innovative time-weighted total return performance measurement methodology aims to become a standard to evaluate private market investments.

Click on the picture to access the pdf (content may require registration).